Category: Uncategorized


Okay, so things are slowly getting back to normal, sort of…. kind of….

I’ve actually had a pretty good 2021 so far and I’m happy to announce all kinds of new things are coming. On the writing front, I’ve penned a bunch of short stories. I’m especially proud of “The Penultimate Stand of Pina Gracchi”, a great little sci-fi western yarn I penned for the GUNFIGHT ON EUROPA STATION anthology. It will come out from Baen on November 2nd, but is available to pre-order from all good booksellers right now!

I’ve also penned some great short fiction for some tie-in properties, but I can’t divulge the news just yet, hopefully in a month or two when the announcements become formal. But I’m happy to announce there’s a new Alex / Menkaure adventure coming out soon (hopefully from Baen), more news as that develops.

On the hobby front, I really need to update some of the photos in the miniatures gallery, I’ve done a bunch of dioramas including one of Alex and Marcus from my novel GRAVEYARD SHIFT. Also, I’m painting a brand new Blood Ravens army for some tournament play later this year. Should be really fun.

Also, I haven’t abandoned the QFD podcast. I do have some new episodes lined up, but it is slow going as I have a lot competing for my time.

All for now!

2020 Quick Update

Greetings and Felicitations! 2020 is off and kicking. In February, I’ll be attending the Superstars Writing Seminar right here in Colorado Springs and then the week after that, I’ll be heading to Provo, UT for the Life, the Universe, and Everything Symposium.

LTUE is always a blast and this year is shaping up to be no different. I’m on some pretty insane panels this year and you can look forward to some of those panels becoming future episodes of QFD.

Work continues on REFLEX FORAGER, which is the first of the UMBRA Casefiles series and I’ll update you on news as soon as there’s more to tell.

FANX at Salt Lake City

Whoohoo! In a little less than a week, I’m off to FanX in Salt Lake City.  I had a blast last year and I’m really looking forward to it this year.  If you can make it, please say hi! Here’s my schedule:

Thursday, September 6, 2018
3:00 pm 4:00 pm The Perfect Storm: Black Panther and American Culture 251A
5:00 pm 6:00 pm Dungeon Mastering 101 255B
7:00 pm 8:00 pm Things That Go Bump in The Night: The Essentials of Good Horror 255C

Friday, September 7, 2018
11:00 am 12:00 pm Beyond the Screen: Advanced Techniques for Dungeon Mastery 255C
1:00 pm 2:00 pm Michael Haspil Signing Bard’s Tower – Booth

Saturday, September 8, 2018
3:00 pm 4:00 pm Michael Haspil Signing Bard’s Tower – Booth

Finalist! Colorado Book Award for 2018.

                               Colorado Book Awards 2018

Greetings, True Believers! I made it as a finalist in the 2018 Colorado Book Awards. Holy cow!  

I will be participating in the readers series. The first of which is happening at the Denver Book Bar on the 6th of April for the Mystery, Thriller, and Science Fiction / Fantasy categories from 7pm to 9pm.  I’m in the Science Fiction / Fantasy category.  But if that’s not your genre of choice, there are others! 

Check them out here:


FanX, Salt Lake City Comic Convention

Looks like I’m confirmed for FanX, the Salt Lake City Comic Convention.  It was a genuine blast last year. I’d never been to Salt Lake City before. This year, I’ll make a greater effort to get around to more of the city than just the convention center.  I can’t wait!

Salt Lake City Comic Convention

Boulder BookStore — It’s Kind of a Big Deal.

Doing a signing at the Boulder Bookstore is kind of a big deal around these parts. and this coming Wednesday, I get to check it off the old bucket list.

Photo of Mike and Sara

Come join me, if you’re in the area.

Have a manuscript burning a hole in your computer, but don’t know how to approach the book business? Or have you started writing and want to know what you should do to get published once you finish your book?

I will be part of a special Author & Agent panel on Wednesday, November 29th with my literary agent, Sara Megibow, and we’re going to tell you about what it takes to get a book in print!

There’s also a rumor floating around that Sara will let attendees pitch her their books in person!!

Vouchers to attend are $5 (and get you $5 off a purchase at the event) and are on sale now – call or stop by to get one!

Get all the deets here:


New York Comic Con!

Hey, Y’all. I’m heading out in a few days to New York Comic Con! How cool is that?

I’ll be signing at the TOR booth on Thursday at Noon and taking part in the Geeks of Color V panel at 6 pm on Friday!

At other times I’ll be roaming around getting my geek on!  Come say hi!

Heading to Salt Lake Comic Con!

Here is my schedule for Salt Lake Comic Con! Stop by and say, “Hi!”. I’ll be giving away at least 2 audiobooks of Graveyard Shift performed by Michael Kramer (1 for each panel!).

Thursday: Soul Mates, Strange Attractions, and Bromances: Relationships in Writing :: 251A
Thursday September 21, 2017 :: 8:00 pm to 9:00 pm

Friday: Signing :: Shadow Mountain – Booth 1807
Friday September 22, 2017 :: 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm

Saturday: Representation in Science Fiction & Fantasy and How It’s a Win-Win :: 255B
Saturday September 23, 2017 :: 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

I’ll also be just geeking out and attending panels and just generally doing ComicCon Stuff! Hope to see you there!